Understanding and Supporting Employees with Anxiety Disorders: Creating a Compassionate Workplace

Hello there! This week Soul Focus Mental Health Training is excited to offer our guidance in creating a workplace that is supportive of employees’ mental health. We understand the importance of fostering a compassionate work environment, and that’s why we’re here to help. In this post, we’ll be diving into the topic of anxiety disorders and providing valuable insights to help managers and colleagues understand and support individuals who may be struggling. If you happen to be in Essex and are interested in creating a workplace culture that prioritizes mental health, we invite you to keep reading and discover practical tips for assisting those with anxiety disorders.


Recognizing the Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders:

Anxiety disorders can manifest in various ways, and it’s essential you can recognize the signs. In this article, we shed light on common symptoms, such as excessive worrying, restlessness, panic attacks, and difficulty concentrating. By familiarizing yourself with these indicators, you can identify when an employee or even you might be experiencing anxiety-related challenges.

Signs of anxiety:

  1. Excessive worrying and feeling on edge: If you find yourself constantly worrying about work-related matters or feeling on edge without a clear reason, it could be a sign of anxiety.
  2. Restlessness and irritability: Feeling restless, agitated, or easily annoyed while working may indicate underlying anxiety. It’s important to recognize these emotions and address them appropriately.
  3. Difficulty concentrating: If you’re having trouble staying focused on tasks or find your mind wandering due to anxious thoughts, it’s essential to acknowledge the impact it can have on your productivity and seek ways to manage it effectively.
  4. Physical symptoms: Anxiety can manifest in physical ways, such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, headaches, or muscle tension. Pay attention to these signs, they may indicate anxiety affecting your work performance.
  5. Sleep disturbances: Anxiety can disrupt your sleep patterns, making it difficult to get a good night’s rest. If you’re experiencing sleep issues and finding it hard to function optimally during the day, it might be worth exploring ways to alleviate anxiety-related sleep disturbances.
  6. Avoidance behaviours: Sometimes anxiety can lead to avoiding certain tasks or responsibilities at work due to fear or anxiety associated with them. Recognizing and addressing these avoidance behaviours can help ensure productivity and growth.
  7. Social withdrawal: Anxiety may cause you to withdraw from workplace social interactions or feel uncomfortable in group settings. Remember, it’s okay to take breaks or step back if needed, but finding a balance between work and social engagement is essential.
  8. Excessive self-consciousness: Feeling excessively self-aware or self-conscious at work can be a sign of anxiety. It’s important to remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes and that growth comes from learning and improving, rather than worrying excessively about judgment or criticism.
  9. Physical tension: Anxiety often leads to muscle tension, which can manifest as jaw clenching, tight muscles, or a constant feeling of being “on edge.” Taking regular breaks, practising relaxation techniques, or engaging in physical activities can help relieve tension and promote well-being.
  10. Difficulty managing panic: In severe cases, anxiety may escalate to panic attacks. If you experience intense episodes of fear or panic while at work, seeking professional help and discussing appropriate strategies for managing these situations is crucial.

Okay – that’s quite a lot to take in, but familiarising yourself with these signs can help you take action if you feel like something isn’t quite right.


Promoting a Safe and Understanding Work Environment:

Creating a safe and understanding work environment is crucial for employees with anxiety disorders to thrive. Now that you know the signs of anxiety – you can help raise awareness, understanding and put things in place to support people. We guide you to fostering open communication, reducing stigma, and promoting empathy within the workplace. By cultivating an atmosphere of support and understanding, individuals in your company or team can feel comfortable seeking help and disclosing their mental health concerns without fear of judgment or repercussions.

Because of the stigma around speaking out about mental health issues at work, making it clear that there is support available can help reduce the fear around communicating that there is a problem.


Offering Support and Resources:

To support employees with anxiety disorders, it’s important for companies in Essex to provide appropriate resources and accommodations.

This includes things like:

  • flexible work arrangements
  • access to mental health services
  • mental health training or workshops
  • reasonable adjustments to workload or responsibilities.

With these resources in place, employees can effectively manage their anxiety and maintain their well-being, all while still being productive contributors to the team.

It may take time for someone to take up the offer of support, extending patience and understanding and letting them know that you are there when they are ready, if they’d like to talk, or would like to take you up on your offer is the way to go.

If you aren’t sure what well-being practices you currently have in place within your business – there’s a downloadable audit you can run through to get a clearer picture – just click here to get a copy. 

Training and Education for Managers and Colleagues:

Did you know that offering training and education is one of the most effective ways to support employees with anxiety disorders? Knowledge is power, it helps to normalise what can feel scary and unusual. Being able to rationalise and understand feelings can help bring acceptance. At Soul Focus Mental Health Training we offer specialized mental health training programs that are customized to fit the needs of Essex-based organizations. We also run RQF standard training so that you can have Mental Health First Aiders throughout your team.

Our training is designed to help managers and colleagues develop the knowledge and skills they need to identify and respond to anxiety disorders in a sensitive and compassionate manner.

If you want to learn more about how our mental health training can benefit your team, let’s chat! Book a call with us today – just click here.


Understanding and supporting employees with anxiety disorders is crucial for creating a compassionate workplace. You’re also more likely to have happier, more productive staff! By recognizing symptoms, promoting a safe environment, providing resources, and investing in training, you can foster a culture of support and well-being. If you’re ready to take the next step in prioritizing mental health in your organization, book a call with us today to discuss how our tailored mental health training programs can make a positive impact on your team. You can work with us in person here in Essex, or online no matter where you are based.

What next?

Depending on how ready you are to take action, there are a range of steps you can take towards creating a more compassionate, caring workplace:

Together, let’s prioritize the well-being of your team and nurture a work environment that values mental health.