Self-Care is a HUGE umbrella.

Before we even get into why self-care is important for maintaining good mental well-being, or what it is – I’d like to start off with 3 reasons WHY it’s important. As a busy parent regardless of taking care of others – you are still just as important. How many times have you felt guilty for doing something for yourself? Or allowed your needs to fall to the bottom of the to-do list?

3 reasons why self-care is important

  1. Self-care is important for maintaining good physical and mental health. It helps you to manage stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and increase your overall well-being.
  2. Self-care helps you to stay productive and motivated. Taking time to focus on yourself and your needs helps you to stay energized and focused on the tasks at hand.
  3. Practising self-care will enable you to build better relationships with yourself and others. It can help you to better understand your emotions and needs and foster a greater sense of empathy and understanding in your relationships.

And whilst you likely know all this, and it’s very positve. There are SO many different things that can be classed as ‘self-care’!

What if taking a bath with a face mask is the last thing on the planet you fancy, but all of the #selfcaresaturdays seem to only promote bubbles and skincare?! It can be hard to figure out what feels good and helps you to recharge. And the last thing you want is to stress out – over how to feel less stressed!

How do you even begin to know what works for you? What even IS ‘self-care’?

If you’re running around looking after kids, partners, friends or family – you likely take care of other people all the time. You could even think of self-care as doing those things; but for yourself. Self-care could even be doing little jobs that ‘future-you’ will thank you for; like preparing a slow-cooker meal so that you can simply dish up dinner and relax in the evening.

To help you try out some new things to find out what kind of self-care works for you, to improve your well-being, we’ve put together a list of different self-care ideas so you can pick out one or two, and give them a go.


69 self-care ideas


Here are 69 self-care ideas to help you feel your best:

1. Take a walk in nature

2. Take a relaxing bubble bath

3. Read a book

4. Listen to calming music

5. Practice yoga

6. Write in a journal

7. Get a massage

8. Take a nap

9. Spend time with friends

10. Watch a funny movie

11. Go for a bike ride

12. Do some arts and crafts

13. Go for a swim

14. Spend time in nature

15. Do some gardening

16. Write a letter to a friend

17. Take a yoga class

18. Play a board game

19. Do some deep breathing exercises

20. Do some stretching

21. Take a dance class

22. Go on a hike

23. Take a hot bath

24. Meditate
25. Visit a museum

26. Do a crossword puzzle

27. Have a picnic in the park

28. Bake something delicious

29. Make a favourite meal

30. Organize your space

31. Go for a jog

32. Take a cooking class

33. Have a movie night with friends

34. Listen to a podcast

35. Listen to a new album

36. Visit a new place

37. Visit an old friend

38. Do a puzzle

39. Take a class

40. Go stargazing

41. Have a spa day

42. Plant something

43. Take a road trip

44. Do a DIY project

45. Go to a comedy show

46. Paint something

47. Have a game night – consoles or board games, adults-only card games.

48. Attend a concert

49. Take a class

50. Go to the beach

51. Take a day off from work

52. Go for a walk

53. Do volunteer work – call a local dog boarders, soup kitchen, or care home – there are loads of options out there.

54. Have an at-home spa day; you could even make the treatments.

55. Do something creative

56. Take a hot yoga class

57. Have a movie marathon

58. Do some yoga on the beach or in a park

59. Take a cooking class

60. Go to a farmer’s market

61. Take time to relax

62. Go for a bike ride

63. Take a photography class

64. Visit a nearby city

65. Spend time with family

66. Do a craft project

67. Spend time with a pet

68. Take a yoga retreat

69. Visit where you grew up and reflect on how far you’ve come!


Phew.. that was a lot. If you need a hand-picking something – or a gentle nudge to try it, grab a free self-care goal-setting sheet from the resources page, and choose one or two.


Self-care ultimately can be whatever you want it to be, therefore by looking at your physical, mental and emotional well-being, it’s helpful to find activities that help to support your health in those areas. You might want to cook for yourself, be more active or sociable – it all depends on you and your life. Finding something that you actually enjoy makes it much easier to stay consistent.

If you’d like extra support – book a free call to discuss your options and see what we can do.